Journal for Slavic Philology
ISSN 0037 – 6736
published by the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the CAS 4 times a year
e‑mail: @email
Journal for Slavic Philology
ISSN 0037 – 6736
published by the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the CAS 4 times a year
e‑mail: @email
Slavia, Journal for Slavic Philology is the oldest international journal specialized in Slavic philology published in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1921, and has been published nonstop except during World War II. In terms of its topics, the journal focuses on comparative study of Slavic languages and literatures from the synchronic and diachronic perspectives and on the history of Slavonic studies. It also provides room for excursions into non-Slavic languages and literatures (e.g. Balkan studies, Baltic studies, German studies, etc.) and, to some extent, also for cultural/historical, ethnological, and folkloric subjects. The individual studies are supplemented with abstracts and keywords in English, the texts themselves are published in all Slavic languages, English and German. All articles undergo an anonymous peer review and editing procedure before publishing. They are sorted into several sections, one of them provides space for reviews of Czech and foreign scholarly books.
International Editorial Board:
Magdalena Danielewiczowa (Warszawa), Hana Gladkova (Praha), Tomáš Glanc (Zürich), Dobromir Grigorov (Sofia), Tereza Chlaňová (Praha), Renate Lachmann (Konstanz), L’ubor Matejko (Bratislava), Alexandr M. Moldovan (Moskva), Boris Norman (Minsk), Aleksandra Pająk-Głogiewic (Opole), Johannes M. Reinhart (Wien), Marijan Šabić (Slavonski Brod)
Internal Editorial Board:
Václav Čermák, Marcel Černý, Martina Chromá, Jakub Kapičiak, Miroslav Olšovský, Karolína Skwarska, Eva Šlaufová
The journal is registered in these databases: CEEOL, ERIH, Scopus a Web of Science.
For Authors
In compliance with a new regulation of personal data protection (GDPR) that has just come in force we would like to notify authors that by submitting their manuscripts to the editorial board of the journal Slavia they express their consent to publishing their personal data (name, institution or home address, e‑mail) in the journal in case their texts are printed.
2024 (vol. 93):
2024/1, 2024/2, 2024/3, 2024/4, whole volume
2023 (vol. 92):
2023/1 , 2023/2 , 2023/3 , 2023/4 , 2023/5, whole volume
2022 (vol. 91):
2022/1 , 2022/2 , 2022/3 , 2022/4 , whole volume
2021 (vol. 90):
2021/1 , 2021/2 , 2021/3 , 2021/4 , whole volume
2020 (vol. 89):
2020/1 , 2020/2 , 2020/3 , 2020/4 , whole volume
2019 (vol. 88):
2019/1, 2019/2, 2019/3, 2019/4, whole volume
2018 (vol. 87):
2018/1 – 3, 2018/4, whole volume
2017 (vol. 86):
2017/1, 2017/2 – 3, 2017/4, whole volume
2016 (vol. 85):
2016/1, 2016/2, 2016/3 – 4, whole volume
2015 (vol. 84):
2015/1, 2015/2, 2015/3, 2015/4, whole volume
2014 (vol. 83):
2014/1, 2014/2, 2014/3, 2014/4, whole volume
2013 (vol. 82):
2013/1 – 2, 2013/3, 2013/4, whole volume
2012 (vol. 81):
2012/1, 2012/2, 2012/3, 2012/4, whole volume
2011 (vol. 80):
2011/1, 2011/2 – 3, 2011/4, whole volume
2010 (vol. 79):
2010/1, 2010/2, 2010/3 – 4, whole volume
2009 (vol. 78):
2009/1 – 2, 2009/3 – 4, whole volume
2008 (vol. 77):
2008/1 – 3, 2008/4, whole volume
Distribution and Sale
Subscription and Marketing outside the Czech Republic:
Individuals as well as organizations and companies interested in our journals can subscribe to them at SLOVART‑G.T.G., s. r. o. at the address: Krupinská 4, P.O. Box 152,
Bratislava 5, SK-852 99
e‑mail: @email
Libraries as well as scholarly and research institutions can subscribe to our journals through Harrassowitz GmbH & Co.
All necessary forms and contact addresses are available on the website
Subscription and Marketing in the Czech Republic:
Raport, s. r. o., Rakovník
Ottova 418, 269 01 Rakovník
e‑mail: @email
Individual Sale:
Institute of Slavonic Studies of the CAS
Valentinská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
e‑mail: @email