Seat of the Institute of Slavonic Studies in Valentinská street
Seat of the Institute of Slavonic Studies in Valentinská street

The building in Valentinská 91/1, Prague

Statue of St. Wenceslas and a plaque with the former Institute emblem at the site of the original entrance to the fabric shop on the ground floor of the building

Building of the Institute 100 years ago (the photo from the book of Kateřina Bečková Zmizelá Praha. Dodatky I. Historický střed města, nakl. Paseka, Praha 2003)
Commemorative plaques

Commemorative plaque to Matija Murko (1861–1952), a Slovene philologist who worked in Prague from 1920 and was the director of the Institute from 1931 to 1941

On the corner of the building is the former emblem of the Institute

A commemorative plaque above the entrance to the building:
"The famous physician of King Wenceslas IV, Master Albík of Uničov, Archbishop of Prague, owned his house on this site in 1401-1412."
The four relief scenes on the facade relate to the person of Albík of Uničov. They were described in the publication Umělecké památky Prahy: Staré Město, Josefov (Pavel Vlček a Ústav dějin umění AV ČR; Praha: Academia, 1996, p. 173). We would like to thank Libor Peprný from Peprná Praha for providing the interpretation.

Albík's love for money

Albík heals Wenceslas IV

Execution of Heretics

Fighting during the Hussite riots
Meeting room in the 3rd floor

Meeting room

Showcase in the meeting room

Ceiling painting in the meeting room